Welcome to this blog

Climate change, global warming, greenhouse gases, environmental damage. They are no longer new or fad words, but should be familiar to anyone around the world who pays just a little attention to the news. There may be debates over appropriate ways to address the issues, but it must be accepted that they are real global issues.

There are many ways where changes can be made to help the planet in the climate and environmental challenge. The subject is too broad to try to cover in any one website or blog.

So the purpose of this blog is to pick one area of positive change to focus on – reforestation and the planting of more trees. Hence the name ForestProjects.org

The aim is to highlight some of the efforts and projects undertaken around the world to plant more tree, in an effort to soak up some of the carbon dioxide that has been released into the planets atmosphere through industrialisation.

While there will be some posts outside this pointing out interesting things or useful tips from others areas, whether reducing emissions, improving waterways, or general greener living, the primary focus will be on reforestation efforts. Even in this niche we accept it will not be possible to give credit to all projects that occur, but hope that in our little way we can help inspire positive change and aid in the aim of getting more trees planted around the world, and help pass on the planet in better condition than it would otherwise be.