Japanese company Brother’s click for the earth scheme

Widely available japanese printer brand Brother has set up a ‘click for the earth’ scheme to help direct its donation efforts for environmental conservation activities around the world.

Via a specific website BrotherEarth anyone is able to add one ‘click’ each day to add a point to the project they most like. At the time of this posting there were 12 different projects from around the world to choose from, some including reforestation activities.

Every click generates 1 point, which in turn will lead to a donation of 1 yen (about once cent USD) to that project when Brother makes a donation.

While they naturally use use some technology – cookies on your browser – to only count one click from each computer each day, it is simple way to allow people to direct money to a project they like. By simply book marking the above Brother Earth website, and regularly / daily making a short visit to make a click, you can grow the total that gets donated.