Big Project: The Queens Commonwealth Canopy

Started in 2015, this is probably the largest global forest conservation project there is.

And while the planting of new trees is only a small part of this project, it is encouraging greater conservation of significant tracts of forest areas all around the Commonwealth. (For any readers not familiar with what the Commonwealth is, it is the group of countries – 53 at time of this writing – with links to the Queen of England)

Most of the projects under the umbrella of The Queens Commonwealth Canopy involve a participating country nominating an existing of future conservation project of that country’s indigenous forest.

It then also provides a platform for sharing knowledge and best practices for forest conservation among all the participating countries.

Find out more about The Queens Commonwealth Canopy by visiting the overall project website here.

On visiting the overall project website you can also find a world map with all the locations around world where the individual projects are, and you can drill down to find out more details of each of them.